Lighten the load...

By Vichara

The “road” stretches out in front of us and we question which way to go. We seek guidance of direction for this journey from many sources in hope that whatever advice we have been given or follow will be right. It won’t be some of the time but that is just part of the plan. Mistakes will be made but it is wise not to discard them as they benefit you as much as the triumphs, in fact maybe even more. Sounds simple enough right? Sounds a bit remedial but we will sometimes forget this and fall again over the same “rock” in the road. Pick it up, put it in your “satchel of lessons learned” and take it with you. By having it’s figurative presence with you will raise the cognizant attention you will pay to similar situations and with the other lessons you have learned, lead to the most efficient and logical answers you need. The satchel will not get heavier but lighter. Simple yes, but good things to remember.

bibelot • \BEE-buh-loh\ • noun
: a small household ornament or decorative object : trinket

Example Sentence:
Donna's children often tease her about her hobby of collecting quaint bibelots, which can be found everywhere throughout her house.

Did you know?
Can you think of a six-letter synonym of "bibelot" that starts with the letter "g"? No? How about an eight-letter one? Crossword puzzle whizzes might guess that the words we are thinking of are "gewgaw" and "gimcrack." But "bibelot," which English speakers borrowed from French in the late 1800s, has uses beyond wordplay. In addition to its general use as a synonym of "trinket," it can refer specifically to a miniature book of elegant design (such as those made by Tiffany and Faberge). It also appears regularly in the names of things as diverse as restaurants and show dogs.

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