The Present is here, now....
Move aside “Future”, step to the back “Past”, make room the “Present” is here! For a limited time only…right now…and again…right now, the Present is here. It is jealous and yet indifferent. It wants you to experience its presence but will move forward if you insist in languishing with its siblings, Future and Past. They will indulge your ego by allowing you to think of what has happened and what may happen but the Present will not lure you with false pretenses. It gives you only now with all it’s vivid colors and sounds. So it’s up to you, you can retreat to a time that has already happened or flutter in a future that may not happen or hang out with the cool crowd that’s happening right now…in the Present.
Laodicean • \lay-ah-duh-SEE-un\ • adjective
: lukewarm or indifferent in religion or politics
Example Sentence:
Evan lamented the Laodicean attitude of his fellow citizens, as evidenced by the low voter turnout on Election Day.
Did you know?
English speakers owe the word "Laodicean" to Chapter 3, verses 15 and 16 of the Book of Revelation, in which the church of Laodicea is admonished for being "neither cold nor hot, . . . neither one nor the other, but just lukewarm" in its devotion. By 1633, the name of that tepid biblical church had become a general term for any half-hearted or irresolute follower of a religious faith. Since then, the word’s use has broadened to cover flimsy political devotion as well. For example, in comparing U.S. presidents, journalist Samuel Hopkins Adams compared "the fiery and aggressive [Theodore] Roosevelt" to "the timorous Laodicean [Warren] Harding."
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