We have all the answers...
We all have the answers. Let that sink in for a while. Say it to yourself again. We all have the answers. There is the factual and those answers are easily obtainable these days by many means, books, video, teachers, Internet, etc. Then there is the esoteric and the answers to those humanistic, emotional questions that to most seem remote and unobtainable. All of the keys that will open the doors of understanding are in everyone’s pocket. Our reluctance to getting the “answers” is not based in ignorance but in reluctance of being patient enough to locate the key to each question that resides in al of us. Sometimes it may take some time to get the answer but with patience you will get there
utile • \YOO-tul\ • adjective
: useful
Example Sentence:
Shaker crafts are simple, meticulously constructed, pleasing to the eye, and eminently utile, all at the same time.
Did you know?
For over a hundred years before "useful" entered our language, "utile" served us well on its own. We borrowed "utile" from Middle French in the 15th century. The French derived it from Latin "utilis," meaning "useful," which in turn comes from "uti," meaning "to use." "Uti" (the past participle of which is "usus") is also the source of our "use" and "useful." We've been using "use" since at least the 13th century, but we didn't acquire "useful" until the late 16th century, when William Shakespeare inserted it into King John. Needless to say, we've come to prefer "useful" over "utile" since then, though "utile" functions as a very usable synonym. Other handy terms derived from "uti" include "utilize," "usury," "abuse" and "utensil."
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