Koan #12...

By Vichara

Monday is here again gang and here’s the Koan of the week. “Mu!”
No it’s not an answer to a kids knock knock joke. It is simple and yet, you guessed it, a profound Koan. Have you ever had a question in which “yes” or “no” would seem like an inadequate answer? There is a third possibility beyond the duality affirming and negating and that is “Mu!” Mu can help you see the truth of the situation, which can never be expressed with words. Whatever you believe or think you know, confront it with “Mu!”. It’s dissolving your rational mind into an intuitive understanding. When you are seeking beyond yes and no…Mu!

sockdolager • \sock-DAH-lih-jer\ • noun
1 : something that settles a matter : a decisive blow or answer : finisher
2 : something outstanding or exceptional

Example Sentence:
For a while I was completely stumped, but then, all of a sudden, I got a sockdolager of an idea.

Did you know?
The verb "sock" ("to punch") and the noun "doxology" ("a hymn of praise to God") may seem like an odd pairing, but it is a match that has been promoted by a few word mavens when discussing the origins of the Americanism "sockdolager." Don't be too quick to believe the hype, however. When a word's origin is simply unknown, as is the case with "sockdolager," there's a tendency for folks to fill in the gap with an interesting story, whether or not it can be verified. In the case of "sockdolager," the "sock" part is plausible but unproven, and the "doxology" to "dolager" suggestion is highly questionable. The theory continues to have many fans, but it can't deliver the knockout punch.

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